Spark Plugs
Reading spark plugs…I know I am guilty of not doing this enough. Sometimes we are in such a hurry that we don't read the plugs...silly. Fact is if you take the few extra minutes to read your plugs you could prevent that expensive engine from death. Below are some links I have read over the years. Some of this does not apply to boats but should broaden your understanding. Fact of the matter is our two-strokes with small props with light load require different maps than large props with high load. Period. Read the plugs. This applies to both fuel and ignition. This general rule of thumb and a conservative approach to mapping can keep boating fun. I thank the companies who have published their hard work. Enjoy.
Dave Bush
How To Read Spark Plugs by Gordon Jennings
Reading Spark Plugs by Rising Sun Cycles
NGK Spark Plugs Overview
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Dave Bush
How To Read Spark Plugs by Gordon Jennings
Reading Spark Plugs by Rising Sun Cycles
NGK Spark Plugs Overview
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